Wednesday, 22 September 2010

VW puts talking ad in newspaper

"Readers of The Times of India heard an audio advertisement when they unfolded the print edition of the newspaper yesterday morning. (You read that right.)

Volkswagen paid the publication to fit an audio chip inside the pages (above) that plays in an endless loop until you close the paper, according to tech blog Digital Inspiration. For power, the chip appears to incorporate a photodiode, a photo detector that converts light into current or voltage. That’s pretty clever.

Not a believer? Check out the video below showing the audio ad in action.

It’s clearly a publicity stunt on VW’s part, and it seems kind of creepy, but most readers are reacting positively to the ad on Twitter. And we’re sure The Times is enjoying the extra cash from the eccentric ad, like any print publication would these days.

“One of those rare days when ppl in #mumbai will buy Times of India to see (also hear) the Volkswagen advertisement and not for news,” tweeted Moulin Parikh." -

Here's the ad in action:


  1. Well, it gets them into the news. Mission acomplished I guess.

  2. It seems like a really cool idea to me.

  3. Incredible... I hope it becomes a daily basic in a few years!

  4. This actually makes me want to read the newspaper even less. It's like those youtube videos that play that audio advertisement after the video, just annoying

  5. pretty cool, wonder how annoying it could be

  6. Clever! There better be an off button on it though lol

  7. wow, thats pretty cool. I remember reading something last year about a video ad in a magazine .. ill try and find the link and post it. i dont think it ever happened due to environmental concerns but its crazy to think about how far advertising is come

  8. that's neat! i wonder how much that advertisement causes! probably a lot but it's still awesome!

  9. yeah.. corporations are always inovating..sounds very creative...

  10. haha thats awesome. Heard that they are also working on personal ad in shopping malls. Something about directing sound to 1 point.

  11. do what u want couse a pirate is free!You're a Pirate!!
    cool!suppin bro :)
    check both my blogs are interesting! ;)

  12. I would defacate in my drawers if my newspaper spoke to me...

  13. wow this is cool. i really hope they do more things like this.

  14. This reminds me of those Harry Potter newspapers... Or the ghetto versions at least.

  15. That's actually kind of neat, plus the ad did what it was suppose to do get people talking.

    By making it turn off only when you fold the paper would get quite annoying.

  16. I wonder how much more a newspaper would cost then? Or how much more the ad itself would cost?

  17. Wow! Hope it paid off for them

  18. They're going to be really annoying. Also, paper newspapers are probably going to be gone soon. =X

  19. Exactly what the world needs, more advertising


  20. Wonderful post bro :)
    Like the cameras to....

  21. Thats ingenuous, hope to see those in the states even though I don't read the newspaper.

  22. I couldn't see the link. Sorry bro :(

  23. That´s some serious advertising!!!

  24. Very cool, I hope more advertising like this is done in the future.

  25. :D wow :)

  26. For once you'd be forced to break apart the newspaper just to shut up an ad. lol

  27. Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick! that is a pretty sick way of placing an add in the paper!

  28. As clever and innovative as it is, i hate it and hope it dies. If this takes off, it would be so annoying, advertisement has all ready gone far enough.

  29. Cool concept, it will become an art soon.

  30. lol thats interesting...wonder what they will come up with next!

  31. Pretty clever.. Wonder if it would work in the states? Or would people start busting out their pitchforks and fires
