Thursday, 21 October 2010

Fragmore University

A couple of days ago Bigfoot Networks launched Fragmore University

Bigfoot Networks is proud to open the doors of Fragmore University, get online gaming lessons from pro gamers and catch up on other tips, tricks and daily news about online gaming. The posts are updated regularly and actually contain hints and tips to make you a better player in your game.

"Play More, Win More, Fragmore!" 

 To celebrate the launch of Fragmore University, Bigfoot are having a giveaway of games and one of their much coveted network cards.

First Prize - 4 games of your choice from Steam and a Killer™ 2100 Gaming Network Card;
 Second Prize - 2 games of your choice from Steam and a Killer™ 2100 Gaming Network Card.

The Survey ends on November 5th, so fill it out soon by clicking here

Feel free to send them gaming tips for the website to give your team exposure.


  1. those gaming cards sound like a good prize!

  2. wow great info man ty for the post!

  3. tremendous job on this post! very creative

  4. I'll take some of the gaming cards :)

  5. The first quote says it all.

  6. Ooh! Will return for survey links

  7. Card prize seems good

  8. Looks cool, definitely interested in how to frag more in TF2
